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Luxembourg has long been a beacon of wealth management excellence, attracting investors and entrepreneurs from around the globe. For Japanese entrepreneurs, Luxembourg offers a unique and beneficial environment for managing wealth, characterized by its robust financial services industry, advantageous tax regime, and a range of flexible legal structures tailored for wealth management. The small European nation’s well-established reputation as a global financial hub makes it an ideal location for Japanese entrepreneurs seeking to protect and grow their assets.

Luxembourg’s Wealth Management Ecosystem

Luxembourg’s wealth management sector is recognized for its stability, sophisticated infrastructure, and international outlook. The country has developed a comprehensive regulatory framework that ensures the highest standards of financial management, making it a preferred destination for wealth preservation. The banking sector in Luxembourg, known for its confidentiality, is home to numerous private banks and wealth management firms that specialize in serving high-net-worth individuals. This ecosystem is particularly appealing to Japanese entrepreneurs who seek to diversify their investments and safeguard their wealth across multiple jurisdictions.

Private Wealth Management Companies (SPF)

One of the most popular vehicles for wealth management in Luxembourg is the Société de gestion de Patrimoine Familial (SPF), or Family Wealth Management Company. The Luxembourg SPF is designed specifically for private asset management and is ideal for individuals seeking to manage their personal wealth, without engaging in commercial activities. For Japanese entrepreneurs, the SPF offers a straightforward, efficient, and tax-effective means of managing wealth.

Family wealth management company (SPF) can hold a wide range of assets, including securities, cash, and certain types of real estate investments. However, they are restricted from engaging in any kind of commercial activity. This makes the SPF a perfect tool for Japanese entrepreneurs looking to manage personal or family wealth rather than business-related assets. An SPF cannot be involved in any type of commercial trade, which ensures that its activities are solely concentrated on managing and preserving wealth.

Tax Advantages of SPFs

The Luxembourg SPF enjoys significant tax advantages, which are a primary attraction for Japanese entrepreneurs. It is exempt from Luxembourg corporate income tax, municipal business tax, and net wealth tax. However, SPFs are subject to an annual subscription tax of 0.25% on the value of their paid-in share capital and surplus, capped at €125,000. Additionally, income generated by an SPF, such as dividends and capital gains, is typically exempt from withholding tax, which further enhances its appeal as a wealth management vehicle.

Legal Types of SPFs

Luxembourg offers flexibility in the legal structure of SPFs, catering to different preferences and requirements. Two of the most common legal forms are the Société à Responsabilité Limitée (S.à r.l.) and the Société Anonyme (S.A.).

  1. Société à Responsabilité Limitée (S.à r.l.): SARL a private limited liability company that requires a minimum share capital of €12,000. The S.à r.l. is ideal for small to medium-sized holdings and is known for its simplicity and ease of management. It allows for a limited number of shareholders, typically up to 100, making it suitable for family wealth management.
  2. Société Anonyme (S.A.): This is a public limited company that requires a minimum share capital of €30,000. The S.A. is suited for larger scale wealth management needs, offering the flexibility to issue shares to a wider pool of investors. This structure is preferred by those who may anticipate a need for more extensive asset management or who may wish to involve a larger number of stakeholders in their SPF.

For Japanese entrepreneurs, Luxembourg offers a compelling combination of stability, expertise, and tax efficiency in wealth management. By leveraging the SPF structure, Japanese investors can benefit from Luxembourg’s favorable regulatory and tax environment, thereby optimizing their wealth preservation strategies. With the options of S.à r.l. and S.A. legal forms, Luxembourg’s SPFs provide tailored solutions that align with both small-scale and larger wealth management needs, ensuring that Japanese entrepreneurs can effectively manage and protect their assets on a global scale.

Damalion has been supporting Japanese families and entrepreneurs. To protect your assets and keep your wealth preservation, please contact your Damalion expert now.