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Porsche has taken a stand against introducing artificial gear shifting in its electric vehicles (EVs), arguing that the natural performance of electric motors makes simulated gear changes unnecessary. Porsche explained that EVs provide a more efficient and dynamic driving experience without needing fake shifting to replicate the feeling of traditional combustion engines.

Instead of using simulated shifts to mimic gas-powered vehicles, Porsche is focusing on maximizing the unique benefits of electric powertrains. Porsche believes that electric motors’ smooth, uninterrupted acceleration and immediate torque make them superior to internal combustion engines, thus negating the need for artificial gear changes. Porsche’s commitment to a more authentic electric driving experience highlights the company’s confidence in the future of electric mobility and its desire to differentiate EVs from traditional vehicles.

هذا الاتصال هو لغرض إعلامي فقط. ركزت داماليون على تقديم المشورة للعائلات للحفاظ على الثروة من خلال تحديد الفرص والتحديات. يرجى الاتصال بخبير Damalion الخاص بك الآن .