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As the global investment landscape becomes increasingly interconnected, savvy Brazilian investors are turning their attention to Luxembourg’s Special Limited Partnership (SLP) structure. Renowned for its flexibility, tax efficiency, and investor-friendly legal framework, the SLP is emerging as a prime vehicle for optimizing international investment strategies.

Legal structure: a balance of flexibility and protection

At the heart of the Luxembourg SLP is its unique legal structure, which combines the benefits of traditional partnerships with modern financial flexibility. The SLP is designed to accommodate at least one General Partner (GP) and one or more Limited Partners (LPs). The GP is tasked with managing the partnership and assumes full liability for the SLP’s obligations. In contrast, LPs are only liable up to the amount of their investment, shielding them from the partnership’s broader financial risks​.

This clear delineation of roles ensures that the GP can operate the partnership efficiently, making critical decisions without the need for LPs to be involved in day-to-day operations. The Limited Partnership Agreement (LPA), which governs the SLP, is a private document that is not required to be publicly filed, offering a high degree of confidentiality. This feature is particularly appealing for investors seeking to protect sensitive information about their investments​.

Tax advantages: a transparent and efficient regime

One of the key attractions of the Luxembourg SLP is its tax transparency. Unlike corporate entities that are taxed at both the corporate and shareholder levels, the SLP itself is not subject to corporate income tax, municipal business tax, or net wealth tax. Instead, profits and losses are passed through to the partners, who are taxed based on their residency. This approach helps avoid the dreaded double taxation that can erode investment returns.

Moreover, capital contributions to an SLP are not subject to capital duty, and distributions to non-resident LPs may be exempt from withholding tax. These tax benefits make the SLP an exceptionally efficient vehicle for international investors, particularly those from Brazil looking to optimize their global tax liabilities​.

Regulatory flexibility: tailored for diverse investment strategies

The Luxembourg regulatory environment further enhances the appeal of the SLP by offering a dual approach to oversight. SLPs can choose to operate as regulated entities under the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) if they qualify as Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs). This designation requires the appointment of an authorized Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM), allowing the SLP to benefit from the AIFMD marketing passport, which facilitates fundraising across the European Union​.

For those who prefer fewer regulatory obligations, the SLP can also operate as an unregulated entity, provided it remains within certain thresholds. This flexibility allows fund managers to select the regulatory framework that best aligns with their investment strategy and the needs of their investors. Whether targeting private equity, real estate, venture capital, or hedge funds, the SLP is a versatile vehicle capable of accommodating a wide range of investment objectives​.

Strategic advantages for Brazilian investors

For Brazilian investors, the Luxembourg SLP represents a strategic opportunity to diversify their portfolios and access the broader European market. Luxembourg’s central location, combined with its robust financial infrastructure, makes it an ideal gateway for international investments. The SLP’s legal and tax advantages, coupled with its regulatory flexibility, provide Brazilian investors with a powerful tool to optimize their global investment strategies.

As global financial regulations continue to evolve, the Luxembourg SLP offers a secure, efficient, and adaptable structure that meets the complex needs of modern investors. By leveraging the SLP, Brazilian investors can not only protect their assets but also position themselves to capitalize on new opportunities in the international market.

Damalion helps Brazilian investors to structure their international projects in and outside Brazil. Please contact your Damalion expert now.

This information is not intended to be a substitute for specific individualized tax or legal advice. We suggest that you discuss your specific situation with a qualified tax or legal advisor.