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The 2024 São Paulo mayoral race is heating up, with recent polls showing fluctuations in voter support for the main candidates. As the largest city in Brazil and a political powerhouse, São Paulo’s mayoral elections draw significant attention, and the latest surveys provide valuable insights into how the electorate is aligning ahead of the vote. This week’s polls offer a snapshot of the political landscape as several candidates jostle for the lead.

Guilherme Boulos Leads the Polls

One of the frontrunners in the current polls is Guilherme Boulos, a prominent figure in São Paulo politics and the national coordinator of the Homeless Workers’ Movement (MTST). Boulos has consistently been a strong contender in this race, building on the momentum he gained in previous elections. His platform, centered on social justice, affordable housing, and progressive urban policies, resonates with a large portion of the city’s voters, particularly in lower-income areas.

Recent polls show Boulos maintaining a steady lead, with voter support fluctuating between 28% and 30%. His ability to mobilize grassroots support, particularly among young and working-class voters, has kept him at the forefront of the campaign. Additionally, Boulos’s coalition with left-leaning parties, including the Socialism and Liberty Party (PSOL) and portions of the Workers’ Party (PT), strengthens his position as a progressive candidate.

Ricardo Nunes’ Incumbency Advantage

Current mayor Ricardo Nunes, who assumed office after Bruno Covas’s passing in 2021, is also a key contender in the race. As the incumbent, Nunes benefits from greater name recognition and the visibility that comes with holding office. Running as a candidate of the center-right Brazilian Democratic Movement (MDB), his campaign emphasizes continuity, public security, and urban development projects initiated under his leadership.

The latest surveys indicate that Nunes is polling in the range of 20% to 25%. While he enjoys strong support from the business community and more conservative voters, his challenge lies in overcoming dissatisfaction with certain aspects of the city’s public services, particularly transportation and sanitation. Despite these concerns, Nunes’s incumbency provides him with a strong platform, and his campaign is working to consolidate the center-right vote to close the gap with Boulos.

Tabata Amaral: A Rising Star

Tabata Amaral, a federal deputy and rising political figure in São Paulo, is also gaining traction in the race. Representing the Brazilian Socialist Party (PSB), Amaral has positioned herself as a centrist candidate with a focus on education, social inclusion, and ttechnological innovation. Her appeal lies primarily with younger, urban voters and women, who are drawn to her forward-looking policies and emphasis on education reform.

Amaral’s polling numbers are currently around 15%, but her campaign is gaining momentum as she positions herself as a fresh alternative to the traditional political establishment. With a strong presence on social media and a focus on policy-driven campaigning, Amaral has the potential to sway undecided voters in the coming months.

Key Issues shaping the campaign

The 2024 mayoral race in São Paulo is being shaped by several key issues that reflect the broader concerns of the city’s electorate. Public safety, urban mobility, housing, and healthcare are at the forefront of voters’ minds. As São Paulo continues to grapple with inequality, traffic congestion, and public safety concerns, candidates are tailoring their platforms to address these challenges.

Boulos’s focus on affordable housing and social justice resonates with voters who feel left behind by the Sao Paulo city’s rapid development. Nunes, on the other hand, is banking on his record in office and promises to continue infrastructure improvements. Amaral’s emphasis on education and technology offers a modern, reform-oriented vision for São Paulo’s future.

As the election approaches, the mayoral race in São Paulo remains highly competitive, with each candidate working to secure their base while appealing to undecided voters. Guilherme Boulos currently leads in the polls, but Ricardo Nunes and Tabata Amaral remain strong contenders, each offering distinct visions for the future of the city. The coming weeks will be crucial in determining which candidate can build the necessary momentum to win the mayoralty of Brazil’s largest and most influential city.

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