Abrir una cuenta bancaria

Damalion se ha asociado con varias instituciones bancarias para facilitar la apertura de su cuenta bancaria.

Por favor, rellene el siguiente formulario con información precisa.

Mantenemos la confidencialidad de su información.

Uno de nuestros expertos en Damalion se pondrá en contacto con usted.

    The account is for :

    Are you an intermediary?

    Are you a Politically Exposed Person?

    What will be the frequency of money transferred into the bank account:

    What will be the frequency of money transferred outside the account ?

    Is the money will be used for investment ?

    In case the bank requires a deposit as a guarantee, would you accept to make a deposit of

    What will be the maximum limit of the deposit which will be acceptable for you

    You acknowledge that the information you provide must be accurate. Any request will not false information or information intended to deceive our company and our partners will be considered null and void and any fee you may pay will be non-refundable.

    We draw to your attention that by principle, we apply our own know your client (KYC) procedures, regulatory compliance and risk management rules.
    This service may be charged upon payment of upfront fee.

    Payment is required only if our compliance check is satisfactory.

    If our compliance procedure is satisfactory and our partner bank declines to open your bank account offer, fees for processing your file are not refundable.

    [honeypot honeypot-952]