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Becoming an Independent Consultant

Becoming an Independent Consultant

In 2013, a Harvard Business Review article mentioned the rise of independent consultants as a possible disruption in the consulting industry. The benefits brought on by these high-skilled individuals or small groups of consultants continue to attract clients. In turn,...

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7 tips for successful entrepreneurs

7 tips for successful entrepreneurs

1. Accept imperfection. Don't wait until all the pieces are fully in place before acting on your dreams. Everyone has to start somewhere, and it's somewhere, here and now. You should start your Entrepreneur journey before achieving perfection. In the extreme...

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7 tips for successful entrepreneurs

7 tips for successful entrepreneurs

2. Hold on to the excitement. You have passed the course of starting a business. Don't overlook the feelings you get from the times when you get completely immersed, euphoric and excited - the big "YES" times. Do not overlook this feeling, even when nothing quite...

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