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Hvordan innlemme et selskap i Kina

Kina tilbyr et utfordrende, men spennende marked for ikke-resident investorer å navigere og lykkes i. For det første er det mye papirarbeid som må fylles ut på lokalt og provinsielt nivå. Fordelene ved å etablere et helt utenlandsk eid foretak (WFOE) oppveier...

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Kā iekļaut uzņēmumu Ķīnā

Ķīna piedāvā izaicinošu, taču aizraujošu tirgu investoriem nerezidentiem, kur orientēties un gūt panākumus. Pirmkārt, ir daudz dokumentu, kas jāaizpilda vietējā un provinču līmenī. Tomēr ieguvumi no pilnībā ārvalstniekiem piederoša uzņēmuma (WFOE) izveides atsver...

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Come incorporare una società in Cina

La Cina offre un mercato impegnativo ma eccitante per gli investitori non residenti in cui navigare e avere successo. In primo luogo, ci sono molte scartoffie da compilare a livello locale e provinciale. I vantaggi di stabilire un'impresa di proprietà interamente...

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How to Incorporate a Company in China

How to Incorporate a Company in China

China offers a challenging yet exciting market for non-resident investors to navigate and succeed in. Firstly, there are a lot of paperwork that require to be completed in the local and provincial level. The benefits of establishing a wholly foreign owned enterprise...

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卢森堡 Soparfi 与贸易公司结构的比较

虽然卢森堡控股公司 (Soparfi) 的处理方式与贸易公司结构类似,但其主要功能是控制其他公司,包括本地公司和外资公司。 卢森堡的一家控股公司 (Soparfi) 从事股份收购,但无意进行任何商业活动。 如果 Soparfi 决定从事商业活动,则需要获得中产阶级部的授权。 授权将根据其所有者和/股东的专业声誉和资格等因素颁发。 Soparfi 和卢森堡贸易公司的最低股本如下: Soparfi- 如果成立为 SARL(私人有限责任公司),则为 12,500 欧元 卢森堡贸易公司 - 如果成立为 SA(公共有限责任公司),则为...

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