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How to Set up a Luxembourg Hedge Fund

How to Set up a Luxembourg Hedge Fund

Luxembourg hedge funds receives direct regulation and supervision from the Commission for the Supervision of the Financial Sector (CSSF). Traditionally, hedge funds were established as UCIs (Undertakings for Collective Investment) as well as a specialized investment...

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Create a SICAF or SICAV in Luxembourg

Create a SICAF or SICAV in Luxembourg

Create SICAF or SICAV in Luxembourg The Investment Company in Variable Capital and Investment Company in Fixed Capital are investment vehicles available to foreign investors in Luxembourg. They can take the form of an Undertaking for Collective Transferrable...

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Doing Business in Israel

Doing Business in Israel

Israel offers excellent and solid infrastructure to do business for foreign investors and corporate entities across all sectors. The Israeli banking system is highly modern, automated, and computerized, which contribute to its robust and well-established international...

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