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Create your company in Turkey

Create your company in Turkey

How To Establish A Company In Turkey As a Foreigner  Turkey is a good location between two significant markets. Its own substantial domestic market, a good economy, an open investment climate, and good infrastructure are notable reasons why foreigners choose to...

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Create your company in Poland 

Create your company in Poland 

Poland has ascertained stability over financial crisis and it provides investors with bright potential. The country’s economy has improved so much over the years that the country today has a competitive economy, a huge market, access to an oriented workforce, and...

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Alternative Sources Of Mining Finance

Alternative Sources Of Mining Finance

The recent Mergers and acquisitions activity in North America have intensified a number of current trends in the mining industry, especially in relation to the availability of debt and equity for the advancement of mining projects: The gold sector is proceeding to...

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Investing in China

Investing in China

Why it is time to invest in China Investing in China is a logical feat for entrepreneurs as it has one of the strongest economies in the world, a title they have earned after showing incredible economic and social growth in the past decade. Because of this, China has...

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The new UAE (United Arab Emirates) visa rules

The new UAE (United Arab Emirates) visa rules

Know more about the new UAE visa rules since September 2022  A few months ago, the United Arab Emirates authorities (Dubai is then included) rolled out key changes to its visa system announcing a new scheme related to the new UAE visa rules and regulations for...

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Flexible financing solutions for mining companies

Flexible financing solutions for mining companies

New mining projects, usually situated in remote regions, need infrastructure to move commodities from mines to ports to sell to export markets. This “pit to port” infrastructure tends to be the most expensive part of the ancillary infrastructure such as power and...

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