The Reserved Alternative Investment Fund (RAIF) is an investment vehicle that can invest in all asset types. It qualifies as an alternative investment fund (AIF) and is not subject to Commission for the Supervision of the Financial Sector (CSSF) authorization and...
Corporate Structuring
How to Start a Company in Israel
Company formation in Israel, like any type of investments, does not given a foreign investor the right to obtain an Israeli citizenship. Only four types of individual classifications have the right an Israeli citizenship, including Jews, spouses, children, and...
How to Open a Business in Turkey
Turkey is nation located in Eurasia, as majority of its geographical area is located in Asia, while some are in Europe. This strategic location makes it an ideal jurisdiction for foreign investors to establish a company. Whether you are a private or...
How to Register a Mauritius Trust
Trusts registered in Mauritius are governed by The Trust Act of 2001. A trust formed under this act has the following features: It can be set up by a Mauritius resident or non-resident. Owners of a Mauritius trust are not required to register with any...
How to Set Up a Luxembourg Reserved Alternative Investment Fund?
Luxembourg’s Reserved Alternative Investment Fund (RAIF) is an investment vehicle that can invest in all types of asset classes. Technically, it qualifies as an alternative investment fund (AIFD), therefore, is not subject to the approval and supervision of the...
Doing Business in Israel
Israel offers excellent and solid infrastructure to do business for foreign investors and corporate entities across all sectors. The Israeli banking system is highly modern, automated, and computerized, which contribute to its robust and well-established international...
Luxembourg limited partnership: Why Investors Choose Special Limited Partnership (SLP)?
The Luxembourg special limited partnership (SCSp) is a useful tool in structuring private equity businesses. Due to its effectiveness and popularity among foreign investors, the majority of private equity managers are using the special limited partnership to attract...
Opening a Business in Serbia
Serbia has succeeded in growing its reputation as a premier investment jurisdiction in Eastern Europe. It boasts strategic location, superior infrastructure, and a promising human resource potential. Through the years, it has succeeded in establishing a growing...
Isle of Man company formation: How to Set Up Now?
The self-governing kingdom of Isle of Man is located in the Irish Sea, positioned between Great Britain and Ireland. As a British Crown sovereign nation, it does not belong to either the United Kingdom or European Union. Anyone looking to start an international...
Belize Company Formation: How to Set Up Now?
Belize is a small Caribbean state in Central America. The country borders on Mexico in the north, Guatemala in the west, and the Caribbean Sea in the east. A constitutional monarchy and a territory of the British Commonwealth of Nations, the country runs a...