Soparfi is the Luxembourg holding and finance company The Luxembourg holding company also called Soparfi (Société de participations financières in French) is a regular commercial company much appreciated by international investors for their investments in Europe and...
Corporate Structuring
Luxembourg Private Wealth Management Company (SPF) FAQs
The Luxembourg Family Wealth Management Company (SPF) is a dedicated investment vehicle for holding and managing an individual, family, or group financial assets, such as bonds, cash, currencies, derivatives, equities, futures, precious metals, options, savings,...
Luxembourg Soparfi Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The Luxembourg holding and finance company also called "Soparfi" is categorized as an ordinary commercial company governed by Luxembourg’s common law, specifically the 1916 Law that delineates the provisions imposed on commercial entities. Due to its inherent nature,...
Comprehensive Aviation Financing Services in Luxembourg
Business aviation is a highly complex and regulated sector. Apart from essential funding, there are jurisdictional, operational, regulatory, tax, and capital treatment factors to consider. At the same time, activities such as operational costs and technology...
How to Incorporate a Company in Hong Kong
Many foreign investors decide to set up a company in Hong Kong due to various reasons. For one, the strategic location of Hong Kong have made it a popular destination for elite and emerging markets. It is a major business hub as it paves the way for entrepreneurs and...
How to Incorporate your SPF, the Luxembourg Private Wealth Management Company
Luxembourg’s Budget Law of 19 December 2020, or the Budget Law of 2021, enacted several changes to the country’s tax regime. Under the Budget Law of 2021, Article 11 or the SPF Law was modified and confirms that a Private Wealth Management Company is not allowed to...
Comprehensive Yachting Services in Luxembourg
A marine vessel such as a yacht is a substantial asset for any private investor or company. With this in mind, it is imperative to obtain the expertise of a professional with the experience and in-depth understanding in the acquisition and management of luxury...
How to Incorporate your Soparfi Luxembourg Holding and Finance Company
Soparfi Luxembourg Holding and Finance Company is an appealing jurisdiction for private investors, institutional investors, and multinational groups looking to establish a holding company. With its strategic location right in the center of Europe, the Grand Duchy of...
How to Incorporate a Company in China
China offers a challenging yet exciting market for non-resident investors to navigate and succeed in. Firstly, there are a lot of paperwork that require to be completed in the local and provincial level. The benefits of establishing a wholly foreign owned enterprise...
A Comparison between Luxembourg Reserved Alternative Investment Fund (RAIF) and Specialized Investment Fund (SIF)
Initiators and investors looking to set up a fund in Luxembourg are curious as to which investment vehicle is a better option: a Reserved Alternative Investment Fund (RAIF) or a Specialized Investment Fund (SIF). There are many factors that may influence your choice...