The new taxation regime for qualifying asset holding companies (QAHCs) was released in July 2021 as part of the draft legislation in the Finance Bill 2021-22. This new taxation regime was created to allow the United Kingdom as a means to compete with Luxembourg as a...
Corporate Structuring
The Most Popular Luxembourg Investment Vehicles
Luxembourg is working hard to establish its stellar reputation as an excellent destination of a wide range of investment funds. The Luxembourg Parliament continuously enhances its investment toolbox for investment managers, allowing them to strategically organize...
The Benefits of Soparfi Businesses in the European Economic Region
Luxembourg is a popular country known for its savvy jurisdiction management, holding, financing, IP rights activities, and private wealth management. Foreign investors from other European countries set up a SOPARFI without restrictions and typically establish a public...
13 Questions you Need to Answer Before Doing Business in Brazil
The continuous improvements on Brazil’s legal framework have made the Brazil company registration process smoother and more streamlined. But before your set out to incorporate a business in Brazil, here are a few things that you need to consider: What type of Brazil...
Registering a Luxembourg Trading Company with Vat number: UK Businesses Love it!
The Luxembourg Simplified limited liability company (Société à responsabilité limitée simplifiée) has been a great opportunity for UK entrepreneurs since the Brexit. Brexit has certainly disrupted UK-EU trade. Due to the current challenges brought about by the...
Launch a Luxembourg investment fund : Incorporate your Special Limited Partnership
Lauching a Luxembourg investment fund has been democratized thanks to the Special limited partnership. “Luxembourg is an attractive country for foreign legal entities that wish to take their business to new heights. The Grand Duchy has well-established economic...
Simplified Limited Liability Company Set-up in Luxembourg
Strategically located in Europe, Luxembourg is a country that, despite its small geographical size, enjoys unmatched stability and is firmly positioned as one of the word’s nations by GDP per capita. The country’s reliable taxation, high-quality infrastructure, open...
Luxembourg Investment Vehicles to Raise Capital
Raising capital from investors is a challenging task to say the least, more so when choosing the right fund vehicle to raise capital in Luxembourg. Promoters typically face various legal and tax implications, as well as choosing the right jurisdiction. Unlike other...
An Overview of the Thriving Debt Funds Market in Luxembourg
There are many reasons why Luxembourg is a premier destination for debt funds. The sophisticated regulatory framework and solid relationships that exist between supervisory authorities and the financial sector guarantee a smooth and stress-free process of establishing...
RAIF vs. SIF- Which Investment Vehicle is Better?
Between a reserved alternative investment fund (RAIF) or a specialized investment fund (SIF), sophisticated investors are curious as to which of these two is a better investment vehicle. What investors should know is that both investment vehicles have their own set...