Are you looking to open a business in Europe? There’s a lot that speaks for Hungary. Hungary is one of the most developed economies in Europe and a very attractive region for investment and company formation. Before taking any steps to start working in Hungary, you...
Corporate Structuring
How to create a corporation in Luxembourg?
To open your business in Luxembourg, you must take into account several requirements and know what type of company you want to open. So it is essential to choose the status of the company that corresponds to the desired one, in order to succeed in the future. Outlines...
Register your Gibraltar Trust
What is a Trust? The Gibraltar trust is a great structure to protect your family assets and preserve your family wealth. A trust is a fiduciary relationship between two parties. One of the parties (the trustor) consents to the other party (a trustee), the right...
Use the Luxembourg Private Wealth Management Company to protect your family assets and preserve your wealth
SPF (société de gestion de patrimoine familial), is a Luxembourg private wealth management vehicle that allows individuals to structure their estate in a simple, adaptable, unregulated, and tax-efficient manner and for several purposes, thereby appealing to several...
Creating a Luxembourg SOPARFI to protect your assets and expand your business
What is a SOPARFI company? SOPARFI (SOciété de PARticipations FInancières) is an ordinary and fully taxable holding company. It is also the most popular vehicle dedicated to holding and financing activities in Luxembourg. SOPARFIs are commercial companies...
Setup your FinTech & financial services in Delaware
FinTech is fast rising and positively changing the financial services landscape. Being a home to some of the largest tech startups, Delaware is attractive to fintech and its (fintech) rise will likely be a significant growth opportunity for the Delaware economy. Why...
Understanding Singapore corporate tax
A low headline tax rate, generous tax exemption, and a host of other tax schemes and incentives are some of the reasons for incorporating a company in Singapore. Also, the Singapore government's effort to sign Double Taxation Agreements with several other...
Register your company in Mauritius
Thanks to its policies, Mauritius has built itself a solid status as a secure and valid investment hub. Mauritius has established itself as a prominent jurisdiction to set up companies. This is primarily because the Mauritius Government actively encourages foreign...
Understanding applicable taxes on Corporate income in Italy
Before starting business activities in Italy, the tax regime is one of the most important aspects that need to be completely understood. This is primarily because tax knowledge positively influences tax awareness, increases tax compliance, and reduces tax liability...
Understanding the Cannabis regulations in Poland vs the Czech Republic
Cannabis in Poland Although Poland has some of Europe's most restrictive drug regulations, the distribution and use of cannabis for medical reasons became legal in 2017. For medical use, Polish legislation allows the growing of cannabis but mustn’t contain more...