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Denmark Company Formation


Type of Entity: Private limited company or ApS Public limited company or A/S Partnership – For instance K/S Others The ApS is a very commonly used vehicle.
Type of law: Civil law
Shelf company availability: No real need for shelf-companies, but available
Incorporation time frame: Few hours (online registration) or 2 to 3 weeks ( traditional paper registration)
Minimum Government fees: None
Regular Corporate Income Tax: 22%
Double Tax Treaty access: Yes, Companies have access to 80 tax treaties
Minimum issued share capital : DKK 40,000 (appr. EUR 5,378 ) for an ApS DKK 400,000 (appr. EUR 53,790) for an A/S
Minimum paid up share capital on incorporation: 25 % of the nominal share capital upon formation if the contribution is paid in cash; however, at least DKK40,000 must be paid prior to registration.
Minimum number of Shareholders required: One
Bearer Shares: No
Nominee Shareholders Permitted: Not recognized in Danish law
Minimum number of directors: -An ApS can have only one Director/Manager -An A/S must have either a Board of Directors and a Manager/Management Board or a Supervisory Board and a Management Board
Corporate directors permitted: No
Local directors required: No
Local meeting required : No, but any member of the board of directors may request that a board meeting is held and Meetings may be completed in writing or using electronic communication unless 1 member of the board requires a verbal debate.
Company secretary required : No, There is no requirement for a local corporate secretary in Denmark
General Meetings of Shareholders: Once a year minimum
Local Registered office required: No
Tax residence to benefit from Tax Treaty network: Presumption of Danish tax residence as a result of Danish registered address
Exchange Control: Not existing
Disclosure of beneficial owner to Company Registrar: Yes, The company must publicly disclose information on the beneficial ownership, if the beneficial owner is the physical person(s), who directly or indirectly, holds or controls more than 25% of the share capital or the votes, or who practices control by other means.
Government register of directors: The Managers/Directors are registered with the Danish Agency of Companies (“Company Registrar”)
Annual return: Yes, all companies have to submit their annual report to the Danish Business Authority after the end of their financial year
Audit: Yes, Accounting documents must be kept in a manner ensuring that they can be easily made available for local authorities.
Change of domicile Permitted Within Denmark only

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