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  Independent audit and Growth identification

Damalion experts provide you an independent approach to falicitate your decision making as you are facing hard times.

Our independent audit helps you:

  • articulate the current status of your business model with a deep analytical diagnosis
  • leverage our report (business model, operational run, human capital, financial statements) to take profitable action plan to generate growth in a timely manner
  • revitalize your company, your team
  • encourage innovation mindset within your organization
  • Propel market positioning of your brand and of your products
  • accentuate positive differenciation from your established and silent competitors
  • Strengthen your competitive advantage and seed the best approach for identified sources of new growth
  • Design the paths of the new sustainable growth strategy.

Sales force audit

Your company’s success depends on how much your sales force is dedicated and committed to create value for your customers.

At each stage of a company’s development, the commercial team needs to consolidate their alignment with company’s vision and business objectives.

Addressing your commercial execution is a leader’s decision which is critical to maintain the company’s on the success path.

That’s why DAMALION offers you a sales force audit that will support your company’s sales strategy.

Our independent report is useful and bring positive value to business of any size.

Our sales force audit helps you:

  • communicate on your vision in a more articulated way
  • expressing the right sales tactics so team members act as a united force
  • anticipate the needs of your identified customer segments
  • adjust your commercial offer – when it is necessary- , your products, your services
  • Categorize your sources of profits related to your customer segments
  • mitigate your source of loss
  • increase your differenciation factor in the market.potential loss areas by typology of targets and products and/or services.

Raising funds

Whether you want to raise funds nearby local business angels, private equity firms, venture capitalists, you will need a business plan.

The business plan is helpful to articulate your business vision.

Damalion experts help you build a businessplan that will create confidence and strong understanding of the whys your business is worthy and how it will be viable.

The right business plan is a smart way to express how you solve customers’ needs and problems, in an extremely incertain environment.


There is no perfect wedding. But, there is no durable wedding without structured efforts of each party for a common project.

Damalion experts analyze with you the pain points that may implode during the handover staging.

We deploy a deep understanding of the seller, the management, the employees to perceive the silent communication which may harm your investment.

We want to identify the risk of sabotage among sales force for example and address it in a positive and relevant framework.

We support your desire to execute your change plan thanks to smart milestones to reach your ultimate business goals.

Having the right pace during the buyout can definitely allow you to boost your commercial results.

Divest or selling your business

As the leader of your business, your family business or other types of companies, you must arbitrate about this critical decision to divest from a company you helped grow or to sell the whole company you created.

Damalion experts prepare with you this important project. Our expertise consists in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of your businesses before any potential buyer.

Our action plan focuses on addressing the weak points, minimizing or eliminating them. The plan aims at maximizing the value of the company and its brand for the best of your interests.

Our roadmap is very helpful to bring more confidence about your business and the transaction.

Strategic financial management

Damalion wants to help you align your financial needs to your corporate and business objectives.

Our experts will guide you to articulate the smart decisions to take between long term and short term financings, the type of  financial instruments, the financial decisions you may need to take.

It is important that your organization keeps some flexibility to master cost of capital raise and convert the good financing terms into clear achievable growth objectives.

In addition, we developed an international network to provide you access to funds to carry out your projects:

  • Identifying your need of additional financing resources and funding
  • Arbitration between equity and traditional funding, syndicated loans and more
  • Supervising writing of financial materials
  • Fund searches and mandates nearby financial institutions and investors locally and/or internationally.

Want to know more about Growth Strategy with Damalion?

Damalion offers you from bespoke advice provided by directly operational experts in the fields that challenge your business.

We advise you to give information at its best, so we can qualify your demand and revert to you under the next 8 hours.