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International Investors

We help business grow locally and internationally by bringing:


Private equity

Venture capital

Bank to Bank

Pension funds

Transaction services

Damalion articulates internal competences and its integrated network of competences.

We are obsessed by time and maximization of value for stakeholders involved in the transactions we are engaged in as independent advisors.

We facilitate club deals and incorporations of investment funds and special purpose vehicles which are the most convenient to make your projects be successful.

As our network keeps growing with key accredited players of various industries, we manage to have a portfolio of international investors in several economic sectors.

Acquisition Finance/Mergers & Acquisitions

Asset finance
Heavy equipments – Aircrafts finance

Structured Finance

Credit solutions
loans offers

Bank to bank negotiations


Consumer markets

► Automotive

► Consumer products

► Retails, Wholesale & Distribution

► Transportation & Logistics

► Restaurants

► Tourism, Hospitality & Services

Energy, Resources & Industrials

► Traditional & Renewable energies

► Power & Utilities

► Mining & Metals

► Oil, Gas & Chemicals

► Industrial products & Manufacturing

Engineering & Construction

Financial services

► Banking & Capital markets

► Insurance

► Investment management

► Real estate


► Aviation (Private & Corporate)

► Defense & Security

Capital project & Infrastructures


Technology, Media & Telecommunications

► Technology

► Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies

► Telecommunications, Media & Entertainment

Life Sciences & Health Care

► Pharmaceuticals

► Biotech

► Life Sciences

Health care

You have an investment opportunity? – Please contact Damalion team now

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Want to know more about Damalion International Investors Desk?

Damalion offers you from bespoke advice provided by directly operational experts in the fields that challenge your business.

We advise you to give information at its best, so we can qualify your demand and revert to you under the next 8 hours.