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Panama Company Formation


Type of Entity: SA – Sociedad Anónima
SRL – Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada
Type of law: Panama Corporation Law 32 of 1927
Incorporation time frame: 2 days to 2 weeks
Minimum Government fees: US$300
Regular Corporate Income Tax: 25%
Double Tax Treaty access: No
Minimum issued share capital : No minimum for SRL , and USD10,000 for SA
Minimum paid up share capital on incorporation: 1 USD
Minimum number of Shareholders required: Two (can be corporate)
Record in the Public register: Foundation Charter
Minimum number of directors: Three directors are required (can be an individual or a corporate), they must fill the following positions - President, Treasurer and Secretary.
Corporate directors permitted: Yes
Local directors required: No
Local Registered office required: Yes
Auditor: No
Protector requirement: Optional
Disclosure of beneficial owner to Company Registrar: Yes
Disclosure of shareholders: No
Government register of directors: No
Trading restriction: Foundation cannot be dedicated directly to commercial activities
Taxation: Yes (tax exemption for any activity or transaction executed abroad)
Tax residence to benefit from Tax Treaty network: No
Exchange Control: No
Financial statements: For registered foundations For non-registered foundations No
Tax returns: No
Accounting: Yes

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